team development
What We Do
We will work with you to clarify your goals and the purpose of the development program and create a process to achieve those goals, drawing on a range of methods and possible interventions.
Generically, our process involves:
- Working with you to diagnose the issue and design an intervention that will address that issue.
- Warming up the group to the purpose and to what matters.
- Facilitating workshops and individual sessions, with an uncompromising focus on the intended purpose.
- Facilitating assessments of the team and individuals (e.g. LSI, OCI).
- Getting the group to design and implement ways of holding each other to account to make agreements stick.
- Developing new norms of ‘what we do around here’.
- Coaching in the moment (e.g. regular team meetings) to reinforce desired behaviours – we provide ongoing support for as long as is relevant and appropriate to your circumstances.
- Continuously reviewing and reflecting on progress, using action learning techniques to maintain the relevance of our work and support your development.
case study
Government Regulatory Agency 100+ Staff
This organisation had shifted from employing mostly part time to full time staff. The managers’ view was that there needed to be one, coherent organisational identify, which previously had been fractured with mostly part-time staff.
We worked with the General Manager and management team of seven to facilitate a diagnosis of the leadership culture. The broad finding was that the culture was too ‘nice’, and the leaders were avoiding crucial conversations and conflict. Performance management was overly supportive and not sufficiently focused.
We identified that the team development that was needed was the ability to openly identify what was really happening to enable open discussion and progress on key projects and performance.
We administered the Life Styles Inventory (a 360 degree feedback tool which focuses on behavioural impacts) and coached each individual on the results. We then facilitated a two-day workshop with the managers to review the individual performance and the implications for group functioning. In two cases, individuals were quite confronted by the feedback because issues previously had not been stated.
We continued individual coaching and coached the group through regular management meetings, with an emphasis on behavioural agreements, criteria based decision-making, and holding the focus on substantive issues while staying supportive of the individuals in the group.
The result was a dramatic improvement in the leadership of the General Manager and the strategic focus of the managers. Two of the managers were better able to be leaders, especially in managing upwards and clarifying delegations. The overall functioning of the management team has improved and the organisational identity (the initial issue) is stronger and more coherent.