welcome to our website..
BrowneWright Consulting is a Sydney-based consulting firm recognised nationally for its insightful work with groups and individuals, focused on personal and organisational change and creating desired results.
Organisational effectiveness begins and ends with people. Organisational structure is important but ultimately people can make almost any structure work. Resourcing is also important but again people can create significant results without large resources. The art is in bringing people together. Two key questions: What is the conversation that needs to be had? Are the right people in the room?
People don’t change easily unless there is a reason. There must be a process whereby they make sense of what is happening and the role they will have in the future. Insight develops when we become aware of a new perspective on ourselves, on the situation we face, on the team and its dynamics, or on the way the organisation operates. We draw from a wide range of methodologies to support learning and insight and apply that to real situations.
Sustainable change is most likely when there is a combination of insight and deep feeling, followed up by support for new behaviour. Information alone is not enough. Feeling alone is not enough. Support alone is not enough. Change is both individual and systemic and requires thoughtful attention over time. We have that expertise to partner you in creating the change you need.
available services
ganisational Culture, Diagnosis and Change Implementation
People don’t resist change, they resist change being forced on them.
Executive Coaching & Leadership Retreats
Changing contexts demand leaders develop new responses and fresh perspectives.
Team Development
Work with real situations to develop purposeful relationships that meet business challenges.
Facilitation & Training
Targeted skill development to build collaboration, engagement and strategic outcomes.
Action Methods In Coaching
Advanced skills focusing on bringing immediacy and vitality to your work and accessing your client’s creative genius.